Lawsuits against the manufacturers of opioids are gaining momentum, as their role in the opioid abuse and overdose epidemic becomes increasingly clear. Read this article to learn how you may be affected by recent litigation developments. The opioid abuse epidemic is without a doubt one of the greatest societal challenges and national concerns the
The results of a new study on the psychological effects of suffering a traumatic brain injury further reiterate how serious and far-reaching the consequences of this condition may be to a victim. An estimated 5.3 million Americans, or 2% of the population, currently live with a disability related to a traumatic brain injury (TBI), the
Some people with a valid personal injury claim may feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the legal process designed to address and amend such grievances. In this three-part series, we present the steps to take when pursuing a typical injury case, from medical treatment to resolution. We hope that this series will help members of our
Losing a job often comes as a devastating shock. Our latest article on wrongful termination can help our readers to understand what protections the law may offer if you feel you have been dismissed illegally. Under U.S. labor law, the relationship between employers and employees is described as “at-will employment”. This flexible legal arrangement
Insurance companies often care more about their profits than your injuries. In this article, we will expose three common practices you need to be wary of when making a third-party insurance claim. Financial losses a person may sustain as a result of a motor vehicle accident go well beyond the property damage – that
Elder abuse and nursing home negligence are troubling yet underreported problems. In these two articles, you’ll learn how you can protect your elderly family members by choosing the right nursing home for them, recognizing the signs of abuse, and taking appropriate legal action to protect them. Elder abuse is a serious health care problem,
Although measures to address the ongoing opioid epidemic are underway, the problem continues to affect communities across the U.S. One of the negative effects of the prescription drug crisis is a growing number of accidents caused by drug-impaired drivers. In this article, we provide basic information on drug-impaired driving risks. As we reported in
In this week’s blog, we present a guide to wrongful death claims in Kentucky and Tennessee. Our Kentucky personal injury lawyers and our Tennessee personal injury lawyers have extensive experience helping survivors through this difficult time. If a loved one has been lost due to wrongful death, contact us today. Personal injury laws are designed
For fun and safe riding this spring, motorcycle riders should choose appropriate safety gear and make themselves clearly visible to other users of the road. In this week’s blog, we’ll discuss how this can be achieved. This is the second of two blogs on motorcycle accidents and safety issues. In 2015, 4,976 people were killed
Even though the extent of damage can vary from mild to severe, a brain injury of any kind should never be taken lightly. This is part II of our three-part series on traumatic brain injury in recognition of TBI Awareness Month. To read part I, click here. Part III will be made available later this